
A vision for CfC developed back in 1992, ironically then undertaking aid support in war torn Bosnia. From there it has grown from hobby to worldwide operation, plus without massive financial support or people power. Thanks though to massive goodwill from Volunteers and generous corporate support.

Faith does makes a difference!

It does not happen overnight: As with all seeds, a plant or tree needs time to germinate and grow. Which is certainly true for Computers for Charities & Myself.

All of us, will and do experience varying battles and trials in life. Personally it was throat cancer when aged just 13 years old. Then a prognosis of terminal laid at my door, surgery was performed, and an assurance of no further options. 5 years of spiralling darkness followed, waiting for the inevitable (death)

However, now creeping up to official retirement age. Life took a U turn for me when becoming a Christian in 1976, and still far from faultless, I have lived a life restored and changed!

Can anyone explain Faith? Believing in something you cannot see makes no sense. But that's the Christian journey, and certainly it's not an easy walk. James 1 tells you more. Christians foul up, get it wrong and certainly do not have all the answers, as we also are learning as well!

Personally I can say first off. If you are finding yourself in a difficult place. What have you to lose! It's a simple process and willingness to surrender all, with a better future lying ahead. Secondly It's a personal decision not just an action, to become a Christian. Faith does & will take you on an unexpected life journey of finding acceptance of yourself, and peace. But it does need 100% of You.

John3:16 "For God so loved the world " and he does. But sadly the world is not a lover of God.

Thank you


Simon Rooksby

Founder / Chairman - Trustee

For more information or needing help; please call T: 01323 848588 or drop me an email: Simon


Please Note: CfC is not affiliated to any other organisation operating or using the name Computers for Charity, Computers4Charity or similar