Volunteering Opportunities, Interns & Work Experience (Eastbourne)
Computers for Charities "Be Part of the Journey"
CfC offering Volunteering, Work Experience & Intern Opportunities age 16+.
Volunteers remain the essential ingredient for all Charities & Voluntary Organisations. Charities and CfC is no different. Need various skills and abilities required to run an organisation. Its not just computers but the whole operation from Admin to being out on the road.
CfC is based in Eastbourne, East Sussex. Its support and services covering the United Kingdom and Overseas. Many volunteering posts as with design, support can be home worked. Others enjoy the opportunity to meet with others and come to the workshop / warehouse.
Time input is down to you. For some a couple of hours per month. Other's it more.
Interested in joining the CfC team. Either call. Simon Tel: 01323 848588 or email: [email protected]